About the Chamber

Business Chamber

Matamata Chamber of Commerce – which operates from the i-SITE on the corner of Broadway and Hetana St – is at the centre of business support and growth, working with its members and associated agencies including central and local government.

Formed in 2020 following the merger of the Matamata Business Association and Matamata Public Relations Association, the Chamber is one of the 20,000 Chambers worldwide, and 29 in New Zealand. The Chamber is governed by an elected chairman and board of directors, supported by general manager. The Matamata Chamber of Commerce is the “voice” of the business sector. This includes our ongoing projects and events such as the annual Christmas Parade, Twilight Market and of course the Community Christmas Tree.

Reinforcing the “community connection”, the Chamber runs regular events including a Twilight Market and Christmas Parade, while completing a $30,000 Community Christmas Tree project in 2021. In June it also ran a Mid-Winter on the Green promotion involving entertainment, market stalls, food and refreshments. The Chamber has been a driving force behind refurbishment of the stage and sculpture gallery on the Green in Hetana St.

Chamber of Commerce board members, with Christmas colouring-in competition winner Eliza and her family.  Photo: The Scene.

But this also means making representation to central and local government, plus associated agencies, on issues relating to not just the business sector but also the wider community.

This includes the Matamata Aquatic Centre and the proposed Indoor Sports & Events Centre at the college, along with Matamata CBD “revitalisation”, plus future town development such as subdivisions and re-zoning to provide more industrial land.

As a Chamber of Commerce, we can also tap into rich resources via the Auckland and Waikato Chambers, with advice on matters such as COVID support, human resources and workplace health & safety.

The Chamber also oversees the operation of the i-SITE, the information hub for locals and visitors alike, with strong connections to Hobbiton Movie Set, Hauraki Rail Trail and Tourism Hamilton & Waikato.

It provides networking opportunities through monthly Business After 5 events, seminars, presentations and online opportunities, plus Chamber network resources and collaborative member promotions. The Chamber, part of the Northern Hub in the nationwide network, was affiliated in 2020 following a merger of the former Matamata Business Association and Matamata Public Relations Association.

It is a non-political, non-profit organisation which represents the full spectrum of business interests in Matamata and the surrounding rural area. This includes both small and large operators – retail, commercial and industrial – plus strong connections with local clubs, groups and organisations.

Rock sculpture Restoration

Chamber Projects

We’re proud to lead a number of projects that work towards making Matamata a better town.

By becoming a chamber member, you are supporting these projects and helping make them happen.

These include:

  • Town Clock Lighting
  • Security Cameras
  • Tree Lighting on Broadway
  • Banners on Broadway
  • Christmas Motifs along Broadway
  • Community Christmas Tree
  • Christmas Parade
  • Twilight Market
  • Mid-Winter on the Green
  • Eric Kirkness Millennium Sculpture Gallery

Business after 5

11 Monthly Business After 5 networking evenings, hosted by members to showcase their individual business product/services.

Te Waka

The Matamata Chamber of Commerce is proud to be connected to Te Waka, the regional economic development agency.

Promoting Your Business

Promoting your business on social platforms such as our website and social media pages.

Want to Find out More?

If you’re interested in becoming a member but still have further questions regarding general enquiries, or membership options, talk to us.

Support Matamata

Get involved and become a town supporter. Contribute towards community projects.


For Locals

Browse and learn about all the great businesses in Matamata, and connect with community groups and events.